Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby, it's cold(ish) outside

If only February was just a couple days longer I would've been sure to post during the month. Regardless, I feel like the second month of 2010 was a rather eventful one. I worked alot which meant bills got paid, I have a potential job after tax season, played in my first ultimate tournament, made a friend at my first ultimate tournament, hung out with said friend from ultimate tournament once, Sarah Grace Pike Hamilton and her baby bump came to visit, Megan is going on a mission trip to Uganda, we got annihilated by a tsunami, and (drumroll) Megan and I have a very affordable apartment to move into for the summer!

Kaimana Klassik is an annual tournament on the island where teams come from the mainland and even a few from abroad (Japan and Ireland) over Presidents Day Weekend. There is a womens and open division. I jumped on board last minute when the women's pick up team needed a few more players. It was a great weekend and I'm glad I went. Wait, let me clarify--after setting up my tent solo on the beach in the fierce wind and cold rain after dark I eventually shivered my way to sleep and so I'd say starting the next morning I was glad I went. We played 4 games each day and by about halfway through the 3rd game each day my legs would shift into full-on rebellion. There was easily a couple-second lag between my brain telling them to move/run and them actually responding. Naturally, this motivated me to workout more but other than a salsaerobics class with Sarah such motivation has (once again) not materialized into anything productive. I figure I already have enough to talk about for February, so starting to workout regularly would only add to that so if I need something to spice up the month of March perhaps I'll give it a go. I made some friends, one in particular being the injured girl on our team. Turns out she enjoys swing dancing and so I went with her to a little dance thing that happens on Thursday nights in Chinatown (hmmm....dancing on Thursdays...sounds familiar). It was a cozy and quaint atmospherd (sort of a la Earlwood Bappy when they had their thing going on) and I enjoyed it. Hope to make it back again.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Megan is going to Uganda May 5-15 for a mission trip with Children's HopeChest. She is a multi-talented individual and is using her talents to be able to leave something behind in Uganda. She is making (absolutely adorable) pillowcase dresses for the girls in orphanages there. If you'd like to help you can either donate $25 to sponsor a dress (donations can be made to CHC for tax deductibility purposes), or donate supplies (old pillowcases, ribbon, thread, old fabric scraps for appliques for the dresses). If you'd like to help at all, email me ( or Megan ( and we can give you more information.

ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT: Sarah came to visit for 10 days so MKS (Megan-Kayleigh-Sarah) bonding time was in full force for the last bit of February. It was awesome hanging out with the three of us in one place again. Plenty of beach time so I got my tan back, had fun taking Sarah on some touristy adventures (Polynesian Culture Center, Pearl Harbor, etc), and of course we made the legendary seven layer bars which came in handy while we climbed to higher ground the next day for the tsunami warning. If I didn't die while skydiving, it wouldn't be too bad either if I died while eating seven layer bars. It was sad having to drop her off at the airport, but we are thankful that her husband (slash babydaddy) let her and her babybump come play.

Finally before I go (because I should've been spending this time cleaning the room....typical) Megan and I will be moving into town from at least mid-May to mid-August. We're subletting from a couple traveling in Spain over summer break. It is an awesome location with a great view and WALKING DISTANCE TO A SOCIAL LIFE! It'll be nice not having to factor in a 30min-1hr commute (depending on traffic) just to hang out with someone. We also happened to meet a neighbor while at Tripler for Tsunami Scare 2K10. A downside will be not having 5 little kiddies attack me with "Kayleigh's home!" accompanied by hugs and kisses everytime I walk in the door. Future roommates sure do have a lot to live up to...

okay, seriously. Clean up time before I go into work (on my day off)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Megan or Kayleigh,
    I am looking for Sarah Grace Pike, and looking at your photo, I think this might be her ! Actually I spent some time in her family as an "au pair" (I'm French), back in the 90's and I would be so glad to hear from her and her family. The SGP I know has two brothers (Aaron and Austin) and used to live in St Louis MO and Evansville IN. Could you tell me if it is her ?
    I would really appreciate your answer at caropj76 [at] gmail [dot] com.
    Pls feel free to delete my comment, I just did find any other way to join you.
    Best regards,
