Sunday, August 23, 2009

So I had lunch with the cast of LOST

There isn't even an ounce of truth in that title. Except for the part where I've eaten lunch, so I guess there's at least an ounce.

I've almost suffered through my first full week in Hawaii (Hawai'i).  Colorado was fun. It was good to see Julie, Gabe and some other YL friends (or, I guess, friend. Brittany was the only other person I already knew that I saw now that I think about it). The flight from CO to HI wasn't too bad, although the Pheonix airport has joined the Kansas City airport on my list of worst designed airports I've been to. The plan ride seemed to take forever. I was stuck in the middle seat for both legs of the trip, so it was hard for me to actually fall asleep because I didn't want to risk getting cozy with a stranger. Since it was morning, the meal was a breakfast burrito which I should have declined. Note to self: don't fly to/from Hawaii in the morning. Take your chances with lunch and dinner.

When I arrived, Carrie (the mom) came to pick me up with the kids (Colin, 5; Madeline, 3; and Gracen, 1) and a lei! I now felt like my arrival was official. The family is wonderful, the kids are energetic and fun, and the island is beautiful. The Elliotts have an extra minivan for the time being, so I've been fortunate to have an old red toyota pickup truck to drive around and explore the island. I have fallen in love with the truck and his name is Red Rover, but you can call him Rover for short. I've been all around the island: Ewa, Kailua (GORGEOUS), the north shore (Hale'iwa is a really cool old beach/surf town that is popular), the Dole Plantation where I had a delicious pineapple sorbet cone. The water is all so clear, I can be waste deep and still see the bottom of the ocean. Yesterday a few of us went to Ala Moana, a popular spot where a friend and I learned about coral and Vana (sea urchin that shoots poison into you). Lydia feel victim to the Vana, but after some googling we decided it will be a little painful for a few days, but the rest of the spikey thing in her foot should dissolve on its own in due time. Phew, close one. I don't think they make shirts that read "I went to Hawaii and all I got was poisoned by a sea urchin"

Anyway, I love the feeling of community out here. The evenings are beautiful and you can walk down almost any beach I think and see groups of families/friends gathered around on the beaches or the parks next to the beach, barbecuing, playing music, even hula dancing. Last night I was able to a part of one of these gatherings. It was so good. Steak, chicken, and grilled breadfruit and bananas and potato salad. There were two young girls, Maya and Mercedes, who were fun to run around with. Mercedes taught me how to play a card game she made up that can be best described as matching colors meets go fish meets uno where Mercedes made up/changed rules as the game was played. Afterwards I got my first taste of really touristy Hawaii as we walked from Diamond Head down Waikiki.

There are a few pictures on my facebook, so look there.

Side note: The freeways here (I think there are only 3, there might be a 4th but I haven't seen signs for it) are called interstates. Carrie initially pointed out the irony in this since Hawaii is an island.

I think this afternoon I'm going to take my first stab at surfing out here, and this week hopefully I will do some hiking, etc. since my things I shipped come tomorrow! (fingers crossed)



  1. love the interstates!! good catch

  2. ps that was me, alison stinchcomb/bell... but the blog thing is an experiment. don't try to look at it or anything i'm testing out a few things for Collin's deployment

    this username is from the blog i had in england. it was cool
