Thursday, August 13, 2009

(the packing) Nightmare on Quinlan St...

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but it is incredible how much junk one can accumulate in such a short time. I realized this when my whole packing process started in Columbia. For starters, waiting until the last minute (which is sort of my thing. I've got procrastination down to an art form--why change what you know works?) meant packing up last things from the Santee house in the rain. It is times like these that make you really wonder why you under-estimated the usefulness of an umbrella hat. Sarah Shutt and I bought them in high school and I gave mine up as my dirty santa gift in Worsham's AP class senior year. Sure, it was one of the "cooler" gifts but I wish I would have really thought it through. Not to mention, I ended up with dumb votive candles or something lame. Back to the story before I digress any further. Then there was the mad-dash stuffing the  MUV from the Turbeville's house (my summer 2K9 residence). It got really exciting when I was supposed to pick up Alice in 30 minutes so we could make it to Charlotte for our flight and I still had half my belongings up on the 3rd floor of the house. Right before leaving, Mary tells me "I'm going to be honest, I didn't think it could be done." I just work better and faster under pressure. Now, after dragging my feet for four days I'm finally kicking it into high gear since we are leaving Lynchburg by 11am and I still have a few errands to run. Oh, the adrenaline is a flowin' already. 

Had some good family time this past week and a half.  Maggie's baby shower went well. It was good to see some old family friends and catch up. There were also some good Hudson family fights--I don't know if any trip home would feel complete without them. Dad broke his old hearing aids and got his new, more advanced ones today (on his birthday!) so they were the best kind of birthday present--the kind that is like a present to everyone else as well since now you don't have to repeat yourself as often. He also doesn't have to fake understanding some people anymore. You can tell he is just tired of having you repeat yourself when he just starts nodding and saying "yeah" then walks away or changes the subject. I hope I'm like him when I grow up. With the McGuigan's good looks, of course.

Also spent some good quality time with Megan. Can't wait for her to come join me in October! Or sooner....(hint)

Next update will be from Hawaii...aloha!

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