Sunday, May 9, 2010


Went to the mainland for not long enough for all I wanted to do. 

First stop: Naw'lins for Jazz Fest
where I tried new foods...some so good, some not so good

...and I made new friends, including one with a mullet

...and saw my friend Drew

...along with 100,000 of my other friends

...and sloshed around in mud in my $6 Wal*Mart off-brand keds that I purchased prior to going. So glad that for once I considered in advance the miserable time I would've had in my slippers (flip flops)

Second stop: LBC, VA for Maggie's wedding. I'll post pictures once I get them from Maggie. Until then, here's the bestnieceever Stella:

Third stop: SOUTH CAROLINAAAAA! Where I had a lovely time and even got to spend a day in Charleston with the fam (KTJ and Chewy--you were missed). The last time we were together was right before Chewy left for his South American adventure (even that time being sans KTJ). Despite us growing up and living our post-college lives, it was still typical family time complete with genius ideas that (in retrospect, naturally) weren't thought out completely which only made it that much more typical. Make sense? It does to the fam.

good genes run in this family--we aren't afraid to say it

Hawai'i better prepare for August when these two +KTJ land. 

my BFF Ginnie. Don't hate her because she is beautiful...hate her because she was the last one on the tube before it deflated. 

beach in Charleston...I miss the southerness of it.

Back in Hawai'i now. Moved to town to find a job. The girl I'm staying with this month is great...she is from Tennessee. The only problem with this is when she misses home and "Rocky Top" comes out of the speakers...seriously though, such a blessing for her to offer her futon to me for the month! If it weren't for tsunami scare 2k10 our paths wouldn't have crossed and we wouldn't be friends.

Lastly, how could I post on Mother's Day without a picture of my own?!

Love her.