Thursday, July 23, 2009

"All my bags have yet to be packed, but I'm still ready to go..."

I'm doing something exciting and crazy at the same time. Moving across the country in a few short weeks. God has been faithful in easing my nerves and taking care of my needs in this move. I will be living with a family who used to be on Young Life committee in Columbia. They have already been such a blessing to me, and I cannot wait to meet their family and I hope I can give back to them even a portion of what they are giving me.

If you've noticed that this blog is "Kayleigh AND MEGAN" that is because even though I was prepared to start on this adventure alone, I have managed to persuade one of my dear life-long friends to join me in October. Megan and I have grown up on the same block our entire lives and I barely remember a time when I did not know her. I can honestly say she is my longest friend (at least that I keep in touch with). Never would I think that we would be moving across the country together!

I leave South Carolina, the place I've called home for the past 5 years a week from tomorrow. In the grand scheme of things, 5 years doesn't seem like much, but in those 5 years I've grown into a completely different person and have built relationships that I will always hold dear to my heart. As I've seen friends for the "last time" it really sinks in that I'm leaving. Some people it really may be the last time I see them. For others, going months at a time with out face-to-face conversation will seem like eternity. I do intend to make it down to Cool-umbia whenever I'm on the east coast because let's be honest--after being thousands of miles away, a 4.5hr drive will seem like a quick ride down the street wearing Heelys. I've never actually been down the street--or anywhere--in Heelys, but I've seen a kid fall in the mall one time and laughed. (I can't help it--it's instinct. Don't judge me).

One project I have been working on is my Bucket List before leaving SC. It is not a very extensive list, because I would always think of brilliant ideas, but never wrote them down. Once I realized I could use the handy "tasks" feature on my crackberry the creative juices had slowed down a bit and I couldn't remember them all. Anyway, here is what it looks like. Once I figure out how to post pictures, I'll update this with proof of my adventures.

*Eat lots of Miyos (more of a goal/reminder than bucket list item. I'm going to miss General Tso)

*Float down the river.

*Go Fishing (catch a fish)... We even caught a shark where I had the important task of keeping the overambitious dog away from the shark. I'd like to think I saved that dog's life that day...

*Shoot a gun. not sure why me with a gun makes people nervous. I would've expected everyone to feel safer. The guy on the target was definitely dead when I was done with him

*Go to a service at First Nazareth Baptist.

*Go to a Columbia Blowfish baseball game. even got a commemorative koozie to remember the experience. drank half of a cheap beer because it was a dollar. Note to self: you never need a beer badly enough to drink Busch Light, ever.

*Meet Paul. (Courtney's fiance whom I had heard so much about, but never actually met in the flesh...until a few weeks ago)

*Nap on the horseshoe. that's how I spent the majority of my freshman year. The other 3 years were spent just napping in general in no particular place.

So that's it. As I said, not much--but I think I hit some key points. I think I've rambled on enough for awhile.